Kid Icarus Ch 15


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was just playing Kid Icarus: Uprising, and on Chapter 15, when I went inside the tower, I fell through the floor and fell several hundred feet down, and I got finished via troll floor. Is this normal with the Palutena Blade? Because that was the weapon I was using. WTF?!?!?!?!
im as confused as u are ill try it when i repossess my 3ds on wednesday/thursday
I don't know... I tried it and I did not die. But one thing I do know is... how do I put this... when you play a game too long without stopping, it will more likely glitch. It probably won't happen again. When I was playing the last Aurum level, I somehow fell off the platform. I was like whaaaaaaaaaaat! Cursed platform! (but I think it happened because I played the game for 7 hours straight...)
no darkpit that part of the level