Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS) 9.5/10


Elite Baka
(Note: this is my first review of a game. I'd appreciate helpful feedback instead of hateful ones)

Kid Icarus, or shall I say Pit, is back in another adventure to fight the forces of the underworld army. With 25 different chapters to play from. Plus a boss battle mode which allows you to fight all of the previous bosses in this epic adventure. You will have an amazing amount of weapon options, such as fusing one weapon with another to create another weapon which it's strength will vary on the two items fused. Cool huh? You also have the option to engage other players in a online battle. Whether it be a free for all or a team battle. You'll also be able to play against your friends who also have a copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Each chapter has it's own atmosphere which will make you want to reply that level. You will vary between fighting enemies in the sky to fighting them on land. Almost every level will contain both of those features.

The 3D on this game is highly placed on my own personal list.

My final rating of this game is a 9.5/10.
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Well here is my feedback to this. This isnt exactly a review to me its missing structure and more information and your personal opinions.

I usual review has paragraphs about atleast graphics,gameplay,and music each with its own individual score the paragraphs dont have to be long just atleast with some information and your own personal opinions.

For a first review It was great hope to see you do more review here in the future.
Well here is my feedback to this. This isnt exactly a review to me its missing structure and more information and your personal opinions.

I usual review has paragraphs about atleast graphics,gameplay,and music each with its own individual score the paragraphs dont have to be long just atleast with some information and your own personal opinions.

For a first review It was great hope to see you do more review here in the future.
Thank you. I will be sure to take that into mind when I decide to do another one.
I have to agree with you :] KI:U was an extremely well done game. The dialogue was amusing the game play coupled with it went smoothly. I've never played a game that had so much involvement with the touch screen. It can be little exhausting, really x) . The character personalities kept things interesting. Even if Thanatos can grate my nerves a bit. Pretty well done review, keep it going . Buuuut you should be aware that at the bottom right of your post is a little button called "Edit." x) Saddens me there won't be another one :banghead: . I do still play online pretty often if you wanna add me :)

9.5/10 on the review. Huzzah for review-ception!

*to the tune of the song "Dynamite"* I throw my thumbs up in the air sometimes, sayin' ay-o, great review-o! (it's a compliment)


This is a great game. The orchestrated music and vast content are amazing. The character personalities keep the game from being a boring shooter. The controls are easy, but some people might not like them. There are a large amount of weapons to choose from and modifications keep the game interesting and easier on higher intensities. The challenge varies so even noobs can play at low levels. Beating requirements keeps you busy if that is the reason you like to play, much like in Smash Bros. Brawl(I'm at 99.6 percent and still am trying to get every power.). There are 25 solo chapters to choose from not counting a special mode. One of the biggest reasons to get the game is to play in the competitive mode arguably. This is where you need to strategize. Your powers and weapon of choice will help you against the world of Kid Icarus players and your friends. With different maps chosen at random you will have to know your surroundings, know your weapon, be unpredictable, and lastly be quick about it. Because the controls are hard to adapt to it's a solid 9.5/10. Now that's how you do a review.