Kid Icarus: Uprising and others Add me?

Red Hood

My code is 1547-6589-8957

And I have a question. When you play KI:U for a while, do you feel sick? Like a pit (no pun intended) in your stomach? Or a little dizziness? I get like that and I was wondering if anyone else feels this. I don't have the best eyes, I admit. Maybe I'm just straining them.

Anyway, other games I play: Luigi's Mansion 2 MK7 and uh... I don't know my head is kinda fuzzy from KI:U other stuff.
ill add you my freind code is 4640-0390-7452 i play fire emblem awakening mostly tell me if you add me XD sasuke-san is my name XD
eyome whats your 3ds name i wanna add u XD also do you have fire emblem awakening
eyome whats your 3ds name i wanna add u XD also do you have fire emblem awakening

I added you :]
Yo,My FC is:3737-9750-4624

My name is Phillip

I have Kid Icaus Uprising, Blazblue Continuum Shift 2,and Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

and later in the year Pokemon Y,Zelda A Link Between Worlds and later SSB4!
i can come on anytime really my friendcode is 4897–6459–7241
i can come on anytime really my friendcode is 4897–6459–7241

Yo,My FC is:3737-9750-4624

My name is Phillip

I have Kid Icaus Uprising, Blazblue Continuum Shift 2,and Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

and later in the year Pokemon Y,Zelda A Link Between Worlds and later SSB4!

Added all you guys you add me, my name is Castro, only have KI: U, my FC is 4640-0063-2555
That's cool, I don't have too many friends that have it so I'll take what I can get. Watch out for eno krad... x)