Kids prefer to play games on mobile devices over consoles


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You may have fond memories of playing games on the family TV as a kid, but the next generation might not feel the same way. The NPD Group has published a report showing that more 2- to 17-year-olds in the US are playing games on phones and tablets (63 percent) than on consoles (60 percent). That may not sound like a big gap, but it was only two years ago that consoles captured 67 percent of young eyeballs. They're playing more often on those mobile devices, too, at an average 6 hours per week. And sorry, PC gamers, your platform of choice isn't as popular as it once was. Computer gaming has fallen from a heady 67 percent adoption back in 2013 to 45 percent today.

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I think the main reason kids usually play games on smartphones and tablets is because they don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on a console, gaming PC, TV/Monitor, and many games unless they have jobs, or parents who buy them console, and games.

But, most kids these days have a smartphone, and can more easily save up money for a cheap tablet like the $50 Amazon Fire Tablet which can be used for gaming.

I think Game consoles and Gaming PC are mostly bought by older teens, and adults with jobs because of the high $300-500 price of consoles, and games which now cost $60-70.
I got two young nephews who enjoy playing games on their mobiles just as much as their consoles. I think the reason why kids say they like mobiles better, is because they are often not home.
I got two young nephews who enjoy playing games on their mobiles just as much as their consoles. I think the reason why kids say they like mobiles better, is because they are often not home.

I agree kids are not home often, and sometimes the only fun thing they can do is play mobile games.
I think the reasoning is that they are more available and easy to use. In terms of the content of the games, I don't think mobile games are close.
My thoughts exactly. Mobile games are available on your cellphone whenever you have a break and want to kill some time, be it during recess or on the bus etc.

Also, for families with lower incomes, modern consoles might not be something they can afford.
I played a few mobile games like Shadowgun, and Critical Strike which kept me entertained. I think mobile games get an unfair reputation of being less fun because there are so many games which are not very high quality like Linux PC Gaming where most Linux games are independent games, retro games, fan made games and low graphics quality games, and there are not many high quality games like Final Fantasy, Destiny, and Grand Theft Auto 5 on Linux.

Also, a lot of poorer families only have one TV or computer/laptop, so there is less time for kids to play consoles since the older family members like parents and college students who use the one TV or computer for watching the News, movies, TV shows, or doing homework, and work if their parents work at home.