Killing female gamers in online games


Full GL Member
Some feminist ideas nowadays are getting a little ridiculous, don't you think?

Patricia Hernandez really isn't much of a journalist. I mean she has a bit of history of poor decisions and ethical breaches.  And this article here, I've read it, though I don't remember what all it stated. And I can't seem to find it anymore... like she pulled it off their site.

But based on that segment alone...  there are more than enough issues.
1- Why is it only women that get this concern? And how do we know if someone is a woman? I mean if I'm playing a game and gunning down opponents how do I know if they're women? (They're on the other team so I normally can't hear their mics, if they're using them...) How do they know whether I am or not? (I might not have or use a mic. Or I might be able to disguise my voice.)
2- Rape is doesn't even have to involve women (see prison rape). 
3- With a gun, anyone can kill. So this really isn't a question of overpowering at all. (Merely that your shot hits.)
4- While it is true sometimes the victim is blamed for their death. (Like if they were warned not to jump off a cliff or that the enemy had snipers camped in a certain spot... so avoid that spot.) In online games it's not really a case where your responsible for your death if another player kills you. Skill is a very huge aspect here and if you get sniped from halfway across the map, you couldn't have known and no one can really blame you. Besides, everyone dies eventually in games and it's just a part of playing.
5- Where is the proof that dying once in a game has any lasting consequences? I mean games suggest the opposite since in many game modes you wait a set amount of time then you come back to fight again. 

As for feminists... by and large the sort we hear from now are the radical/third wave sort (or the Social Justice sorts). And many of these types have some crazy ideas. They've been taught that they're oppressed. (Despite the fact that they're very often middle class and white... so not really oppressed at all. And they really have no conception of what being oppressed is really like.) But then they get on social networks and start trying to make everything change to accommodate them. They've basically ruined feminism for most people. I mean why would anyone want to call themselves a feminist when all we hear from feminists is the shrill screech of "I'm offended so change this to suit me"?
And the fact is... very few want to share that label. 