Kinect is very well received in Japan (Xbox 360)


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The product landed a couple of hours ago in Japan and there were long queues at different shops in Tokyo waiting for it.

With it came a few strips of paper of about 1 meter length to measure the distance of the room where they are going to use the device, to test whether they have enough space.

In order to use Kinect, you must have at least 2 or 2.5 meters, so you should think about removing furniture or other things .

Japan has always been an interesting market for Microsoft and with this release it is expected to reach thousands of units sold within a few days.

Different stores have not received many units of Kinect for Xbox 360, but they are expecting to receive it very soon due to a great demand from its users.


I guest this makes sense since Japan makes the weirdest inventions ever like:

and the Kinect is probably one of the weirdest things Microsoft ever made.
didn't I just post a topic saying kinect is dead like a grave yard in japan?
This post is written by The author was probably writing the article about the crowd at different stores and a latter time like 4pm to 7pm then your other article. Plus, Kotaku seem to pick a store where the majority of people are in their mid 20s - middle age+ people like Block Busters or some "Mom and pop" small business when I look at the picture on your article instead of Toys R' Us or a big department store like Sears, Wal-mart, etc where there are more young to teenage age people.

Like this Japanese Store which sells the Kinect. (Notice the sign that says Kinect on it at the beginning of the line) The Xbox 360 sign could be of better quality since it looks like someone used paint to write Xbox 360 on two pieces of cardboard instead of making a nicely printed sign with a printer or artist.

やべ、kinect 始まった!

Plus, My visited more then one shop in Tokyo according to the article instead of your article where Kotaku visited one shop in the early afternoon of 1-2PM during school and work hours.

The writer at Kotaku went out at 1PM to 2 PM which is not a busy shopping time since school is still open and workers are not off work.

Mostly during 1-2PM shopping times are full of retired people, the unemployed, students who are skipping, tourists, and other people who are not working or in schools in my experience shopping in Canada, and I doubt many Japanese shop during 1-2PM on a weekday since they might be busy with school and work like most of the world.