Kinect officially priced


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Microsoft today announced that its motion-controlled Kinect will retail for $149.99, and will include a copy of Kinect Adventures. Microsoft also revealed release and pricing details for a new 4GB Xbox 360 SKU, as well as a Kinect console bundle.

The new 360 goes on sale August 3 for $199.99, but it will also be part of a Kinect bundle that includes a shiny new console, Kinect, and Kinect Adventures all for $299.99. Microsoft didn’t specify when the Kinect bundle will be released, but seeing as Kinect doesn’t release until November 4, I’d say that would be a good guess. Also, if you pre-order the Kinect bundle, you’ll snag a download token for three exclusive levels for Kinect Adventures.

Microsoft also announced that there will be over 15 Kinect titles available at launch. While we still don’t know all of the games just yet, Microsoft has confirmed that first-party Kinect games will cost $49.99. This also means that Microsoft could offer Kinect by itself for $100 for those gamers who are more interested in the technology of Kinect at launch as opposed to the games, but, sadly, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

The price isn't a big surprise, but do you think you'll drop $150 for Kinect this holiday? Would you consider picking it up more if it didn't include a game and was $50 cheaper? What do you think of the 4GB HDD? Kind of strange, no?


meh, I'll never get this.
*Sigh* Sorry to say but it looks like M$ is trying to cut there own Throat with this. 4gb and from some of the things I've seen they don't plan to sell a bigger one...
I still can't get over that they hired Cirque du Soleil to show this off and yet completely messed that up! hell I read in GI magazine that Dead or alive maker went to it and walked right out. And currently the creator of KH says meh to this as well. Kinect will be a fail, this I bet on.
Hmmm... $50 for shitty games? That's definitely something I want. >_> And $150 for Kinect itself? That's obviously not a rip off. And $300 for the entire bundle!? HOLY CRAP! That's the BEST deal ever! Microsoft has worse pricing than when the PS3 originally came out. I feel bad for people that will waste money on this. It costs way to much for a crappy add-on. It's basically a Wii, without analog, $50 cheaper, but with terrible games.
The 4GB Xbox 360 uses internal flash memory I heard. I think the 4GB 360 is a good deal for people who just use their 360 to play games from their Disc drive, and don't plan on downloading much downloadable content. It is also possible to add a hard drive to your 360 when you need to.

But, you can get an Xbox 360 Arcade white version for $99 on Amazon, and a 4GB flash drive for 10 dollars these days.

I'm not interested in the Kinect, but the 250GB Xbox 360 and 4GB Arcade 360 looks like a good deal!