Kingdom Rush (Steam Version)


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I recently picked up a browser game classic known as Kingdom Rush on Steam. Its an awesome little tower defense game with a lot going for it. Firstly, you get the nicely ported Steam integration with tons of achievements and 5 trading cards with a respective badge to collect. As much as this may be irrelevant to most people, I quite like these types of things.

Its a really pretty game and even on my low end laptop, it runs above 60 fps in 1080p at maximum settings, which is great given how beautiful it looks. There is a lot of content and quite a few levels and bonus levels, each with their three variations to complete. There are 4 different towers, which may not sound like much but they all have lots of upgrades and variations, each with their unique respective stats, which makes for a good experience in that department.

You also get a lot of different "Heroes" which are essentially little friends that can help you out on the battlefield. There are tons of different enemies and strategic ways to take them all down, as well as bosses. I'd say this is one of the best tower defense games I've ever played and a fun little game in general. Its less than $5 at the moment with the Summer Sale.

Have you played this game? What's your experience with it?
Youtube videos on it seem interesting, I'll look into it more.
Played this a ton on my tablet after getting it from the Humble PC & Android Bundle. It's a pretty challenging game, since you have to micromanage your hero as well as your towers.