Klawz needs friends :D


Well-Known Member
hello my name is Klawz and I am new to this community and 3ds. I am looking for people who share the same passion for Nintendo and gaming :) anyway I play and hav pokemon Y animal crossing new leaf and pokemon rumble. so anyway my friend code is. 3282-3355-2767. I hope to meet all of u and play wit yall thx. :grin:
My 3DS XL code is 0302-0580-1162. This is the one you want to add first.

My other code is 0232-8439-7395.

I added you on both of my 3DSes!
Eh why not. My 3DS friend code is 3067-5938-6519 I have a bunch of online multiplayer games but from the ones you have (or mentioned I just have Pokemon X) Welcome to the Nintendo 3DS community!
Eh why not. My 3DS friend code is 3067-5938-6519 I have a bunch of online multiplayer games but from the ones you have (or mentioned I just have Pokemon X) Welcome to the Nintendo 3DS community!

Added you on both 3DSes!
I'll Add everybody here, I am new to 3ds and need friends to play with FC= 4570-8862-4828
FC: 2251-4784-5357

Name: Josefine

I'm adding all of u!
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