Know many female gamers?


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Title says it, in your offline world life do you know many female gamers?
I know about 7 to 10 female gamers. Out of that, 9 of them just say they are gamers and play to have the cool girl trait. The problem with that is that you can tell they just are not for gaming because of how awkward they look with their hands when they play. My wife is one of them.

It leaves my sister-in-law who is a true gamer. She's competitive and fiercely into gaming trends. I can talk gaming news with her for hours and hours.
Most gamers including male and female I know offline seem to play smartphone and tablet games, Facebook games, or don't play many games at all because other hobbies like TV, movies, music, social networking, etc take up more of their time.

Although, I once knew a guy who played a lot of World of Warcraft.
Not too many. My sister is a gamer, and some girls from my old school are still gamers. I've met some hardcore female gamers at Gamestop, too.
None of my female cousins are gamers. I don't even know any female gamers who are above 16 years old.
Sure, they will play a game if there's nothing to do and if you show it to 'em, but they wouldn't go out of their way to buy consoles and games like us.

Oh! They DO play FaceBook Games, but that's not something I'll be counting.
I think a few Facebook Games can be considered less casual games like Dragons and Titans, but in my experience most of the gamers on D&T are younger males.
Aside for myself:

My mother - She was the one who got me and my brother into gaming.. she destroyed Tetris, Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3 and Duck Hunt for the NES, and I am not even going to mention the old school arcade games like Galaga, Asteroid, Pac-Man, Centipede, Arkanoid and the other games like it.. but to keep it short, my mom is a boss.. She still is, even though it is mostly casual gaming on the PC, Android, Wii and 360 these days.. since it is all she has time for.

My sister - She might use her iPhone for texting but don't think you'll get over her in Burnout, L4D or any of the games she has for the consoles she's got.

My brother's fiance - She plays Halo, L4D, COD, MvC, Burnout, and just about anything else you can think of..

My step-grandmother has a PSP and a few consoles but I don't know what games she plays..

I actually know quite a few serious gamer chicks.. and it isn't for show either..