Koobface Virus NowTwitter


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Koobface, an infamous virus that has previously been a big problem on Facebook, MySpace (MySpace), and other social networks, is now spreading its wings to Twitter (Twitter). Like previous virsues that have been spread via Twitter, the way to get infected with this one is to follow a link.

What Koobface does once you follow the link is a bit trickier than some other scams. It first shows you what appears to be a YouTube (YouTube) video (on a page and URL that resembles YouTube). And, like occasionally the case with YouTube videos, you’re then asked to upgrade your Flash player.

However, what it does from there is install .EXE files. If you run them, you become infected with the virus, and when you login to Twitter, the virus can automatically start tweeting out the malicious link. The tweets spreading the link may look like this, with the text “my home video,â€￾ so be sure to avoid following them:

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I tend to not click on links random people send me. I think twitter is worse since they tend to mask links with tinyurls to not go over the stupid tweet limit which redirect people to different sites, but you do not know which sites you are going to till you click on tinyurl.com/whatever