Langrisser I & II


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Released today I believe, anyone planning on getting this remaster?
Just started the game.
The PLOT Goddess' greeting at the start of the game lol:
Hero's future waifu, provided she is not dead by endgame lol:
Now in chapter 14 Langrisser 1. Wonder on which ending i am going to get as ending is tied to the kill count of the characters as well. I'll need a really high kill count for hero and chris to get the best ending...
Recorded Chapter 17 battle vs evil Boser, saved hero's waifu Chris from a certain doom lol:
Finished Langrisser 1 got the best light ending with Chris alive and became hero's waifu queen.

Though I didn't come across the new character Betty and her storyline. looks like there's more to the story...
onward to Langrisser 2 recorded my first battle playing as the wandering swordsman boy hero lol, descendant of Langrisser 1's hero and Chris:
This looks like more fun than Fire Emblem. Also this is only in japanese?

Yes only Japanese Voice overs.

The amount of possible story routes in Langrisser 2 is awesome.
Jessica is the human reincarnation of the Goddess of light herself yet her PLOT is way smaller than the Goddess' lol wonder why:
Rpgfan gave the game 82 out of 100 nice:

What I found to be the most impressive thing about these Langrisser games was the varying story routes that are available as you play. Depending upon player actions in battle, the outcome of fights (such as whether certain characters survive or not), and decisions made over the course of the story, you'll set Ledin, Elwin, and their comrades down certain narrative paths. There are a wealth of different branching points in both Langrisser titles, adding an extra layer of replayability to the mix. Even things such as confessing romantic feelings to a character in Langrisser II, for instance, will have plot and ending significance.

Given the various routes the stories can take, both Langrisser games come with a story map for players to peruse. The story map helps gamers see the direction their given playthrough is going, and even clearly labels the specific events or choices that helped make that route happen. Players also have the option to use the story map to once again play battles they have already fought with their carried over levels and abilities, offering the opportunity to forge a different outcome for that particular fight if they so choose. Upon completing a route in either game, players are given the option of creating a Clear Save File that allows them to restart that particular Langrisser title from the beginning with their levels, money, and skills intact, adding yet another replay option.
Recorded my Chapter 2 complete battle of Langrisser 2: