Last of Us' New DLC: 'Grounded'


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Today, Naughty Dog detailed its new DLC – and likely the final DLC of any kind – for its critical and commercial smash-hit The Last of Us. It’s called the Grounded Bundle, and it’s aimed squarely at those who still play TLoU’s stellar multiplayer modes... though there’s something special in there for single-player advocates, too.

The bundle is only for those with a season pass. If you want to buy the pieces of the bundle piecemeal, you can do that, too. Prices will be detailed with each component explained below.

If you’re still playing The Last of Us’ campaign, Grounded Mode is for you. It’s an all-new difficulty setting that significantly ups the ante. “The AI is relentless, smart, and brutal, and survival will be near impossible. 'Completed Grounded Mode' might be one of the most difficult Trophies you’ll ever earn,” writes Naughty Dog’s Eric Monacelli. Grounded Mode costs $4.99.

Next up are four new maps for The Last of Us’ multiplayer, collectively called Reclaimed Territories. The four maps are called Wharf, Capitol, Coal Mine, and Water Tower. The Wharf is “where Joel encountered Robert” in the campaign. Capitol is “set in Boston,” while the Coal Mine is “set in Colorado.” And finally, the Water Tower is located in Lincoln, Pennsylvania, and is “perfect for close quarters melee.” Purchased alone, these maps will cost $9.99.

And then there are new guns. The Specter is a silenced assault rifle “that’s great if your style is stealth stalker.” The Double Barrel is a “classic, deadly, double-barrel shotgun.” The Enforcer is a “highly accurate pistol,” while the Launcher is “a weapon that fires small explosives.” Buy them bundled together in the Survivalist Weapon Bundle for $5.99.

Finally, there’s not one – but two – survival skill bundles. The first bundle, Situational Survival Skills, can be purchased for $3.99. It includes Agility (“climb, vault, and move while crouching faster than you could before”), Awareness (“see enemy nametags before they see yours”), Fortitude (“you’ll take longer to bleed out, crawl faster, and have more health when downed”), and Scavenger (“automatically pick up ammo and supplies”).

The second bundle is called the Professional Survival Skills bundle, and can also be purchased for $3.99. This bundle includes Gunslinger (“spawn with more pistol ammo”), Bomb Expert (“your bombs will explode more quickly”), Executioner (“earn more parts for shiv kills and special executions”), and Damage Marker (“automatically mark any enemies you hit”).

In addition, every player of The Last of Us – season pass holders or otherwise – will receive a brand-new weapon free of charge, called the Full-Auto Rifle. Naughty Dog has yet to reveal the release date of this gun -- or any of the aforementioned DLC -- but we hope to have that for you soon.

Oh, and yes, this DLC -- and the other DLC that's already out -- will be included in the PlayStation 4 iteration of The Last of Us called The Last of Us: Remastered.

Now that, is DLC folks.