Latest forum bug[Answered]

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Full GL Member
There appears to be a bug with the login area, on the site portal's end (as some of you may noticed).

So I had to disable that portal option for the time being, until it gets corrected by the forum support team. Instead, just click on the login button up top from the forums directly.
Also, another bug is in those macro's for some skins.

One macro is broked, and it doesnt match all the other macro's
skin name? and some of the skins didn't come with matching macros
QUOTE (Taylor @ November 01, 2007 04:32 pm) devils wings.

it all orbs, except for liek one macro.. it looks all out of place also
I think it depends on how well the skin was made. Some are made differently, others are balanced.
Told you so. No skinner makes a macro that is completely the opposite colour and style... They'd rather use the same macro and confuse people.
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