Lays Potato Chips


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Lays has some chips that taste like the Cool Ranch Doritos and the Cheetos for a limited time. Have you tried them? Which one is your favorite?
Lays owns both of those (Dorito and Cheeto) and they have a lot of neat experimental flavors. However I don't think that they are memorable other than ketchup and mustard.
Lays owns both of those (Dorito and Cheeto) and they have a lot of neat experimental flavors. However I don't think that they are memorable other than ketchup and mustard.
Correction: Frito-Lay (which is a subsidiary of PepsiCo, so in actuality, PepsiCo) owns Lays, Cheetos, and Doritos!
The classic is good. I like them as well.

But they have some Lays that are flavored like Cool Ranch Dorritos and some that are flavored like Cheetos. Has anyone tried them but me....?
I was always fond of just the classic myself. They do have organic Doritos I have tried which aren't that bad. They could do with more flavor & not be as hard however.
Sour Cream and Onion are god tier.