League of Legends (LOL)


Well-Known Member
League of legends is a game that is similar to the old DOTA games on Warcraft three, a mix between a strategy RTS and RPG style. They have done a good job on fine tuning the graphics and the combat and leveling sytem in this game. Basically if you haven' tplayed Dota or league before it is a game where you can play vs. other people or computers online and select champions and items to try to destroy the ememies base. This is a fun to play game for beginners and can become very in depth for those who raise their summoner levels to 30. Getting to level 30 allows the player to participate in ranked matches against some of the best players in the world.


League of legends is a game that you need to download and install onto your computer.
You can get all the information and sign up here http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4f35d904b760b369607201.
This is my referral link and it will allow you to sign up and download the game client.
This is a link to the home page if you are interested in learning more http://na.leagueoflegends.com/ . I would appreciate it if you used my refferal link if you are going to sign up though.
This is a great game and is worth a try.

Mobafire is a good site to get you started in strategy and champion builds. http://www.mobafire.com/
Yeah i like the word "LOL".
As for the game, i haven't played it yet, i need to buy it first.
I really like the gameplay and its pretty easy to learn.  If you want to you can pay for credits in the game but you can also enjoy it to its full extent without spending any money on it.  In response to FTON, you don't need to pay for the game to play it you just need to download and install it.
Not sure how many of you are still enjoying LoL, but the game is really hitting mainstream with their e-sports events. Personally, I'm addicted to the ARAM map they introduced a few months ago and my friends who have summoner's anxiety tend to prefer it as well. Coming up they have a visual update for Summoner's Rift which looks mind blowingly good. I can't wait until that gets released, although we know what "soon" means from companies like Riot or Blizzard, haha.

Have me wondering though, I wonder who the next new champion will be. The last one was Braum, a bit tanky support, but who's next...?
I really like this game, and I have logged so many hours in it for a free to play game. Unfortunately, I haven't played it since Season 3, and so much has changed since then that it definitely seems like learning the game from scratch again, not a prospect I relish. All the same, this is a great game and I absolutely love it!
I love League of Legends!

Do you guys watch the LCS? Who's your favorite team? Mine is TSM. Been a fan ever since Dyrus joined. 

Also what's your favorite role? Mine is jungler. Even though everyone blames me, I still find myself at home in the jungle.
Wing said:
I have heard alot of hype around this game. Any feedback on what you love & hate about League of Legends?
I've ended up quitting LoL when my character was at level 20. I think it just wasn't much of a match for me because I didn't join playing the game with anyone I know. If you're consistently playing with people you know it's much more enjoyable. Around lower levels I added in game people to play with but they either quit or we didn't play at the same times. To me it just got kind of tedious. A few people were nice but there was never any room to experiment or play your favorite heroes. Getting matched up there had to be a top, jungle, support, adc, and a ranged mid. If you didn't follow specific character placement you got mocked or yelled at, in my experience.

My favorite characters to use would be Lux and Warwick. Both were very cheap.
So what I didn't like can be summed up in one word, "Smurf". The high skilled players that create new accounts and then can destroy their less skilled competitors. If you're playing with friends I would say it's a nice game but if you're only signing up solo then it's not a good experience.
FTON said:
Yeah i like the word "LOL".
As for the game, i haven't played it yet, i need to buy it first.
Just a FYI League of Legends is free. Although to really access a large majority of the content you either need to put an insane amount of playtime in. And really I mean an almost unhuman amount. If you started playing the game now it would take you years to unlock all of the content by just playing the game. OR you can spend some money to unlock playable characters. DOTA 2 is pretty similar to League of Legends and is entirely free. I am told that game is much harder though... 
I am a huge fan of this game! I play a couple matches a day and I enjoy each one. One of the best things to do in the game is farm neutral monsters, or jungle.
I don't play this but does anyone have any tips on how to get someone away from this game? My baby brother has a problem to put it lightly. His internet and computer are just shit enough to not allow good gameplay at all times (the computer is like 8 years old but been upgraded like maybe 5 or so years ago), and yet he continues to play, screaming how his character isn't moving, the lags. Everything goes okay for a while and then all hell breaks loose. He can play recent games mostly fine, it just won't go through his thick skull that LoL isn't going to work perfectly for him, ever.
I play this game very often. It is one of my favorite games of all time. The fairness and balance in each match is something very unique to League. I am a big fan of MOBA's in general, and League is no exception.
I for one really like Mobas. I mean, think about it, what's not to like about a Multiplayer online battle arena type of game. You get to fight people and use your wits and superior knowledge of the game to defeat them. As for lol itself, it is said to be one of those mobas that are easier to pick up and for that reason it attracts many casual players and that's a good thing, you can have some fun with equally clueless people as yourself.
I find that League of Legends right now is no well manged enough for how big the game is. The other Moba game is Dota 2 which had superior client that makes the game so much more smooth. There is way too much bugs in the game which Riot has a hard time fixing and they even remove champion from the professional scene which I find so unprofessional of Riot. They should really invest is a better game engine and also a better client. It is a very fun game other wise and the community is just like every other Moba community. I just wish Riot could pour more money into making the client better. 
I played a lot of LoL, ever since Season 2. I found that the game grew a lot. I think that its peak point was in Season 3. But it's still growing right now. We'll see what it'll be like at the Season 4 World Championships, which will be hosted in Korea. In my opinion, the game had a lot of balances and changes, which sort of ruined the game in a way. But it's still enjoyable to play for the most part.