League of Legends


Well-Known Member
I have fallen in love with it and I am surprised that no one here has heard of it or has mentioned it.

It's an awesome game and I promise you will like it as well. Best part. ITS FREE!!!!!!!
It's free, and the cash shop is 100% balanced, it only sells cosmetic items.

BUT, once you get to experience the trolls in high elos, or once you reach elo hell, you're going to want to throw something at your computer screen.
Awful community, you should all ditch this crap and go play DoTA2, seriously.
Links? Info? Overviews? anything besides the title might be helpful to have.
It's an MMO, it's a genre by itself, or at least, only 7 games are from this genre.
Moclon do you possibly have DotA2 invite keys? I have been waiting forever to play but I never once got a key
Moclon do you possibly have DotA2 invite keys? I have been waiting forever to play but I never once got a key
Sorry, I used them all.
Your best bet is just signing up and wait, eventually:
1) You will suicide from the agony.
2) Open Beta will start, you will play, you will lose, you will ragequit.

EDIT: You can always just join the TEST server, it's the same thing, really.
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I'm actually really good at these games I can jungle in lol like a boss. But yeah it sucks if I have to wait be who knows if I ever get a key

Open Beta would make my year. Waiting for Dota2 for a while now. (that's how I found lol looking for a game to hold me over)
I'm actually really good at these games I can jungle in lol like a boss. But yeah it sucks if I have to wait be who knows if I ever get a key

Open Beta would make my year. Waiting for Dota2 for a while now. (that's how I found lol looking for a game to hold me over)
Well, if you ever wanna play LoL with me, my IGN is Moclon.

I mostly play AP/mids, mainly, Anivia and Brand, but I'm pretty flexible, I can play support Soraka/Janna, solotop Vlad, and I can jungle with Noc.
The game just got boring after awhile, DoTA2 Pretty much replaced it for me, in DoTA2 I mainly play supports, including Necrolyte and Venomancer.
I hate Strenght characters tho.
Kiyaa! Have a pwetty day!
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Sorry I haven't look at this in forever but if you still want to play I'm down. My ign is Atlantis Fi. I jungle and I can AD carry pretty well. DeLends on how well I farmed.
May I ask, what's your elo?
Duo queue is always the way to go, IMO, I've been sitting in the 1500~ for some time, and then I got into a losing streak because of immense amounts of trolls and AFK'ers (4 AP mids, 1 solo bot trolls.)
Currently sitting in the 1200's too.
Feel free to add me: GX Pocari.

I usually go mid with: Annie, Ahri, and Gragas. I support really well with Soraka. My solo top needs some work, and I can't jungle for the life of me. I was around 1220 ELO last season. I'm too afraid to play rank this season, I don't want to encounter a team who are in ELO hell.

Is anyone else on a losing streak? I've been on the longest losing streak, and I finally broke free. After season two ended it's been hell for me. I know I'm not the problem; my team mates go balls deep, and I simply cannot carry the game! It's so frusterating.
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