Level 80 Instantly in WoW


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For a limited time, Blizzard's Scroll of Resurrection will give sizeable benefits to inactive World of Warcraft players. If you accept a Scroll, you get one character auto-leveled to 80, a free upgrade to Cataclysm, the newest WoW expansion, seven free days of play time and a free transfer between realm and faction. That means you can move your character around without charge in order to be on the same server and side as your friend who sent the Scroll. Or you can stay put, in case that friend kind of creeps you out.

If you send the Scroll, and assuming your resurrected friend decides to pay for at least 30 days of game time, you will get a Spectral Gryphon or Spectral Wind Rider mount for free.

That's a lot of free stuff, and could be an effective way for Blizzard to counteract falling subscriber numbers. As of the last report, Blizzard's MMO has 10.2 million active subscribers, which is a huge number, though down from 12 million following Cataclysm's launch in late 2010. A new expansion pack, Mists of Pandaria, is currently in development with no set release date.

In order to be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, you must have subscribed to World of Warcraft previously for at least 30 days. More details about the specifics of eligibility are available on Blizzard's official Scroll of Resurrection FAQ.

Sorry to say, but that is some BS right there. While it is great for anyone who uses it, it is so annoying that anyone who is recruited gets a free level up to 80. Then again that character will be completely undergeared for everything and almost pointless to play on!

However this is how I could abuse it if I wanted to:
Recruit myself (on a diff computer). Receive a sick mount on my current account. Then get a new level 80 character, cataclysm, and 7 free days. Then I would pay to transfer that character from the new account to my old account, thus giving me a new level 80 character. Transfers cost money when they are changing accounts, but only around $15-25. If it requires that the friend pay for 30 days then the total cost is around $30-40 and in return you have a level 80 and an awesome looking mount. That's a good deal considering otherwise you would have to spend countless hours (hundreds) to do all that.
It's definitely because a lot of MMOs are losing players. Players are going to newer games (SWTOR, Skyrim, etc). It's a nice tactic, but it is rather lame and annoying for the people who put time and work into their accounts. However, I have no idea if this method is actually helping gaming companies or not.