Librem 13: A Laptop That Respects Your Rights


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The first high-end laptop that respects your privacy, security, and freedom.


This does look like a nice laptop for people who want their computer's maker to respect the users privacy, security, and freedom unlike Windows, Mac OS X, Chrome OS, and other commercial operating system where they may not respect your privacy, security, or freedom because they need to collect your data to try to sell you stuff like apps, games, and services.

I also like the modern looking case for the laptop.
I wonder if they really mean it or just secretly taking the info?
Demon_Skeith said:
I wonder if they really mean it or just secretly taking the info?
I'm not sure, but I think most companies eventually takes user info, and sell it to a bunch of other companies for a lot of money like selling user info to telemarketing companies who use phone calls to try to sell you stuff.

There is also a chance that the owner sells the laptop company to a shady third-party company which does not respect people's privacy, security, and  freedom. Sadly, a lot of new and smaller companies eventually sell their company because a bigger company offered the original owner millions to billions of dollars to buy it from them.