LOL at the 3DS Manual


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Apparently, as far too many sites have mocked, it has all kinds of... interesting 'diagrams' and 'advice' about how not to use the 3DS, most of them almost incomprehensible.


The first is obvious, although it looks oddly like a deliberate attempt to destroy the console. The second is weird... who's gonna attack a 3DS card with a paperclip? And the third... what, is this a warning about not letting decapitated heads or Head Honcho Carpaccio near the machine?

Anyone got any snarky comments about the images?
lol i actually know who head honcho carpaccio is :3
and the 1st one is hella funny,i think the 3rd might be not to look at a laser or something
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Some of those warnings are just common sense but... if they don't put it in there, some idiots going to sue saying there was no warning regarding what would happen when they put their 3DS in the microwave or something.
Lol, I laughed at the Baby one.
so you cant use it in the sun?
Yeah I saw these a couple weeks ago.

I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm going to skip on the 3DS if I can't put my bling on its charger.
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Maybe instead of just water they should make an illustration for pouring coke on it...

Not to mention hitting someone in the head with it. I'm pretty sure that's a no-no.

Wait, we can't play with it in the d@mn air conditioning? Well that stinks, looks like I'll have to stick with my normal DS during Summer than!

No, I'm deliberately gonna sit on it for that and pretend its a whoopee cushion. *Insert funny fart sound here*

*end sarcasm here*
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These make fantastic reaction images! I require more!
Darn, I was so hoping to go on a houseplant-killing spree with my 3DS, too...

Guess I'll have to use my PSP!