Lol, at this DS rip-off


Forum veteran, previously DSU/N3DSC Staff
Full GL Member

Made in china (of course). It's a badly made pirate version of the DS...if you even want to compare the two. It's absolutely atrocious. Enjoy.
You're telling us to enjoy something that's atrocious?
Pirates these days don't say 'Aaaaaaargh' and bury their gold on secret islands no more...
Instead, they say 'Wanna buy a watch' and pocket their gold for the taxidermists.
sigh also it seems teh bottom screen doesnt even work
Last edited by a moderator: haha its mario galaxy copier,the music is stolen from ponyo(movie) and its voice is klonoa
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Man, why'd they have to use the music from ponyo? Its so beautiful ;-;