LoL: LCS EU NA, LCK, LPL & more


Well-Known Member
Any people here watch pro League of Legends scene? NA or EU. I follow NA than EU. I don't know but I prefer watching NA. It's much more interesting and entertaining in my opinion, no hate. Especially with the rivalry such as TSM vs. CLG. Looking back on the latest matches. I like the series of IMT vs TSM. (I am quite the TSM fan). 2 undefeated teams clash! I support TSM even from their last split struggles so I'm delighted when they won over IMT. Biofrost, their new support stepping up his plays and I enjoy watching rookies who are doing well!
I used to follow the competitive scene a lot, when I was still playing myself. Now that I have kind of stopped playing I tend not to watch the competitive scene anymore. Back then, I was very interested in the Korean scene (OGN), because it has always impressed me how they were able to grasp fine details in e-sports which other regions don't.
I haven't played too much LoL in the past month but I always keep an eye for the competitive scene, it's pretty entertaining if you know what's going on and understand the game. Of course, you can't forget the epic rivalry between TSM and CLG that keeps both sets of fans on the edge of their seats, I love watching those matches!
My favorite is LCS EU though, not only I support H2K but I also think the skill level is higher in the tournament rather than in NA.
I used to follow the competitive scene a lot, when I was still playing myself. Now that I have kind of stopped playing I tend not to watch the competitive scene anymore. Back then, I was very interested in the Korean scene (OGN), because it has always impressed me how they were able to grasp fine details in e-sports which other regions don't.
Korea is the best region, after all haha.
I haven't played too much LoL in the past month but I always keep an eye for the competitive scene, it's pretty entertaining if you know what's going on and understand the game. Of course, you can't forget the epic rivalry between TSM and CLG that keeps both sets of fans on the edge of their seats, I love watching those matches!
My favorite is LCS EU though, not only I support H2K but I also think the skill level is higher in the tournament rather than in NA.
I personally agree with you haha, I just find NA more entertaining and have likable players in my opinion. :p
H2K and FNC are the teams I'm following in EU! :)
I follow LCS, mainly because I love CLG. I'll also watch international events because of how exciting I find them.

CLG fan and lover of international competition meant MSI was amazing for me. It was so fun watching CLG actually perform well in an international event. If only they could've kept it up for the first few weeks of LCS...
I used to be pretty big into everything league, much less now. Before, I had aspirations of being a pro (reached Diamond 1), watched EULCS, NALCS, and LCK regularly, and played 50-70 games a week. Now I'm lucky if I play 1 game a week, and I only watch NALCS, and that's only sometimes. I think NA is the most interesting to watch. LCK and EULCS I have no connection too, and they can be quite boring in comparison. I'm actually watching NALCS, NRG vs TSM right now as we speak.
In the games I play a lot I usually follow the scene,same goes for LoL.I like to watch the scene in general,but I prefer NA or EU.Mostly because I like the teams since I support the organisation on other games as well.
Korea is the best region, after all haha.

I personally agree with you haha, I just find NA more entertaining and have likable players in my opinion. :p
H2K and FNC are the teams I'm following in EU! :)
Yeah, NA has the better casting crew and players (in terms of personality) but I think that's a problem due to the language. In NA most of the people speak English quite well, while in EU people from all over Europe come and it's harder for them to express themselves in a foreign language.
NALCS also has the higher production value, the rivalries are much more epic and drawn out on reddit and Twitter while in EU the hype isn't really there, sometimes it gets boring but the skill level is close to LPL. I guess you can't argue that Korea is really the best region here, I expect a Korean team to win Worlds this year as well. I don't really know how they're doing it but they're always one step ahead of their opponents, it's crazy.
I only really watch the Worlds. I've watched the past two ones and I probably will watch this year's tournament as well as the ones for the next few years. I really enjoy the feeling that I'm part of something new, in the sense that I'm part of one of the first generations of people who are watching professional video gaming. Some of the LoL games I've watched are easily comparable to some of the best football/soccer games I've seen. LoL is a game that makes for a really good spectator sport.
I expect a Korean team to win Worlds this year as well.
Another Korean this year. Maybe SKT and ROX Tigers again. Haha. I would like to see some RNG though or other good LPL team. Deep inside my heart, I would like to see TSM haha. I'm a fan.

I only really watch the Worlds. I've watched the past two ones and I probably will watch this year's tournament as well as the ones for the next few years. I really enjoy the feeling that I'm part of something new, in the sense that I'm part of one of the first generations of people who are watching professional video gaming. Some of the LoL games I've watched are easily comparable to some of the best football/soccer games I've seen. LoL is a game that makes for a really good spectator sport.
Haha, same. Sometimes, I really grown tired playing the game and I feel more excited whenever I watch some match.
Another Korean this year. Maybe SKT and ROX Tigers again. Haha. I would like to see some RNG though or other good LPL team. Deep inside my heart, I would like to see TSM haha. I'm a fan.

Haha, same. Sometimes, I really grown tired playing the game and I feel more excited whenever I watch some match.
I've been rooting for an LPL team to finally win Worlds for the longest time, I love their style of play and I would be lying if I said I didn't learn my tactics from watching them. They're really good at pushing their advantage and if you give them a finger they're going to take your whole hand. Early game seems to be the problem for every Chinese team, most of the time they start out rough and it's hard for them to recover.
I expect SKT to win this year as well, should be fun to watch!
Season 4 World's I actually supports Royal Club, I somehow want UZI's team to win. I root for him and the team!
They're really good at pushing their advantage and if you give them a finger they're going to take your whole hand. Early game seems to be the problem for every Chinese team, most of the time they start out rough and it's hard for them to recover.
I actually like their teamfights. They do their teamfights well in MSI.
I expect SKT to win this year as well, should be fun to watch!
No doubt, unless some stronger team defeats them or the META shifts against their favor. SKT is playing real clean right now.