LOL, the dictionary uses Apple fans as the definition for 'sheeple' now!


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As per it's site:

Definition of SHEEPLE

people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheep

Apple's debuted a battery case for the juice-sucking iPhone—an ungainly lumpy case the sheeple will happily shell out $99 for. — Doug Criss

Sorry Apple fans, the dictionary says you're like sheep!
I'm surprise that Slang words make it into the Dictionary so quickly or at all.

I think Dictionary publishing companies add all these slang words, so some people will buy new Paperback, Hardcover, and electronic eBook versions of the Dictionary which can be expensive. Dictionary websites also make money off of online ads, and paid subscriptions to their websites, so adding more words will make these websites earn more money instead of people using sites like Wikipedia, urbandictionary, and Yahoo Answers to search for definitions of wods.
Love this! It's nice to see that the dictionary recognizes how Apple is a massive con :D