Looking for DS friends


~Reading is a passion. Gaming is a way of life.~
(Looking for DS friends to add and swapnotes with. Here are the list of games

Im looking for friends to add that have the same games as me and are into the same video games and me.

Games I currently have:
Harvest Moon: A New beginning, Sunshine islands, and Ds Cute tale of two towns(sold).
Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of time 3DS
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop distance & 368/2 days
Super Mario 64 DS
Avalon Code
Call of duty: black ops
Assassins Creed 2​
Style Savvy: Trendsetters​
Rune Factory 2​
Diddy Kong Racing​
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hoursglass​
Kid Icarus​
Animal Crossing 3DS

Games I plan on buying with the highest priority:
Rune Factory 2 & 4​
Animal Crossing:New Leaf
Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Pokemon Rumble Blast
Diddy Kong Racing DS
Style Savvy Trendsetters
Pokemon X & Y​
Flipnote 3DS

Games I plan on buying later:
Mario & luigi: Partners in time, bowser inside story, & dream team
Fire Emblem Awakening
Tales of the Abyss
Super Mario 3D Land
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS
Naruto: Powerful Shippuden
Rhythm Thief & the emperors treasure​
Harvest Moon DS and Grand Bazaar

and others but these are the most wanted games I plan on getting. So add me

Friend Code: 1048 - 8434 - 7194
My 3DS name is Akari​
Just tell me if you add me and give me your friend code so i can add you. :link: :link:
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I added you!
My fc is 2707 2230 5105
add me.

I have
Animal Crossing 3D
Rune factory4
Project X Zone
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
I also added you!

My friend code is:


I only have Mario Kart, Harvest Moon: A New beginning, and Super Mario 3D Land, but I plan on getting more! :)
I added you!
My fc is 2707 2230 5105
add me.

I have
Animal Crossing 3D
Rune factory4
Project X Zone
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning

What is Animal Crossing 3D? There are only the original on Game Cube, Wild World on DS and City Folk on Wii at the moment. The 3DS one has not come out yet.
I added you!
My fc is 2707 2230 5105
add me.

I have
Animal Crossing 3D
Rune factory4
Project X Zone
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning

I added you...

Quick question...how is rune factory 4 and animal crossing 3d???

I plan on buying thoses when they release in US

I also added you!

My friend code is:


I only have Mario Kart, Harvest Moon: A New beginning, and Super Mario 3D Land, but I plan on getting more! :)

Added you :)
Hello, I added you.

Friend Code: 4742-5383-0322

Games You Either Had\Getting That I Have\Getting:

Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of time 3DS
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop distance & 368/2 days
Super Mario 64 DS
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario 3D Land
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS
Hello, I added you.

Friend Code: 4742-5383-0322

Games You Either Had\Getting That I Have\Getting:

Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of time 3DS
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop distance & 368/2 days
Super Mario 64 DS
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario 3D Land
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS

Added...we shoulde play together sometime.

heyyy i add you. my fc is under my sig !!


I added you :) mine is 4339-3112-0307

added...what games do you have
Add me my FC is 1821-9576-2465 (The 12th Man)
I have Luigi's Mandion:Dark Moon, Lego Batman 2, Lego Pirates of the Carribean, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D.

I'm getting Lego City Undercover on Sunday and Fire Emblem in the near future.

My name is Anthony. My 3DS code is 4012-4288-6002. I have Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, and Swapnote.

I'm 28, and I usually don't add people who are under 19-20. Just saying... :)

How old are you?