looking for feedback on my game site


Well-Known Member
just looking for some feedback on my game

i feel the layout and design could be a million times better.

im not a artist nor much of a graphic person.

i spend alot of my time doing coding jobs and coding up new features , thats what im good at.

maybe someone could advice and point me into a direction where i can find a awesome web site layout designer for php code ?

the site is http://www.mafiaclassic.com
hmmm, when you join up I take it you get to see more of your website?

for your news which is located at the bottom, I would try and move that up to the top so people can quickly see if there is a update or not.

other then that I think it looks decent.
I agree with DS the website news articles should be moved to the top of the website, so people can find it easier. Looks like a decent site.