Looking for friends to add in ACNL Boys and Girls(Ages 12-13)


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone My name is Aaron,you may have met me before and are already added to the list,but this time I'm looking for boys and girls to play with this time 12-13 years old!

Here's my friend code;3308-5621-3448 and my name is Aaron!:grin:

Hope to all see in you guys in my town today or tomorrow or whenever,also I'll try to add you guys as soon as possible,too either today or tomorrow so that way we can play in each others town or one town or whatever!Bye for now!
Also it's say you haven't added me so check again to make sure you got the right friend code and and that you added me,too!No worries it sometimes happens,so no need to worry I'll be patient and won't get mad at all!From now on your my new Best Friend Rico!;)