Thank you AidsorHIV for getting what I am saying. It's a simple process to promote someone to mod but to be promoted to something like admin is a whole lot different matter as you are giving the person more responsibility and power.
To that point, Frog has decline a promotion to admin.
AidsorHIV said:
As the Admin said, Someone who posts here a lot does not necessarily mean they want to mess around in an ACP. lol
Ds, here's some questions you can answer that would be beneficial for the public to know.
1. I can imagine that a lot of people would be scared to take the position because of the mass amount of crap you do around here. Are you looking for a blood brother? A co-admin who will stand beside you and put in the effort that you put in? Or are you looking for someone to just to take a few things from your duties?
2. Manage the arcade? From what I gather you put in a bunch of games then its done. What actually needs to be done with the arcade?
3. You probably have a list of stuff you want the co-admin to handle in mind. Do you know a rough estimate of actually how much time(in minutes/hours) that is needed on the backend?
Right now nobody knows if it's "Oh, you do a few things in the acp every 3days(about 15minutes)" or "yeah, 4times a day you gotta go there and it's about 30minutes each time. On a busy event it may be about 4hrs straight on that day".
4. You said help with activity. You currently reply to practically every topic that shows up. You also create topics that no one reads(haha, I'm just teasing). How far does this responsibility for the co-admin go?
1. As I've stated, I'm pretty much running this ship of a forum. Right now I'm looking for someone to help around and take care of a few light duties. Eventually I like the person to be my right hand and do things when I'm not able. I also need someone here able to run the forum in case anything happens to me (sickness, no internet, or death.).
2. There is a weekly arcade game thing that I have going that I would like someone to manage and help out install new games from time to time.
3. Pending on the task, it could be anywhere from 5 mins to an hour per day or week. Just depends what is going on or what the person feels needs to be done. I'm looking for someone to both help out and suggest things to do. I never or ever require staff to sacrifice their real life time and things to do their job on here but for this they will have to set some time aside for being an admin.
4. I don't reply in all topics sadly, this is mostly due to the time I have to spend off site and in the ACP to respond to everything. But it goes without saying that as admin a person needs to post in pretty much everything that they can.
VirusZero said:
If you have admins that could occasionally check in the Mod CP (since admins would have access too) then you wouldn't necessarily need mods. Plus like you've stated the anti-spam system takes a lot of strain off mods to begin with so their workload shouldn't be that high. So would it really be necessary to have multiple mods?
Hiring from places like FP might sound like a good idea, but if you do get someone...
- Will they be reliable enough? (Since, it's been my experience at least, that a lot of people want to be staff because of the power of the title. But they don't actually want to do anything. So the second you need them to actually work... they flake off. )
- Will you be able to get along and work with them? (Since I've seen cases where staff get hired but they're difficult to deal with, they're not outright rude or anything, but they just have different ideas how to do things and their ideas may not mesh with yours. I've also seen cases where hired staff do become rude and difficult to deal with too... And that's not a fun situation.)
- And, of course, will you be able to trust them? (It's all too easy to hire someone, especially someone you don't know, and have them turn around and wreak havoc. )
In terms of your current staff, if you have staff that haven't been on in a while... Perhaps it is time to demote them. (Or at least contact them and find out what's going on. And then if you don't get a reply after 3-4 days... demote them.)
And you do have a few mods who are here and active... so maybe look at seeing if they'd be interested in becoming an admin?
Pretty much taken care of at this time. And worry not VZ, I am no fool being at this game for nearly 6 years now. if you see any topic off this site, I'm requiring a few months of activity so I can get to know the person. Even if this is just a lie to get at the ACP to mess things up, vice admins have access to nothing major and besides that a daily back up is taken of the forum and posts.
FTON said:
I can help if you want to.
Good to know, but what can you do?