Looking forward to any games for Steam during the Summer Sale?


Well-Known Member
As the summer sale is literally right around the corner on the 23rd, is there any games you guys are looking forward to saving up towards and that you hope go on sale?

I personally am looking out for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky as it seems like a truely unique JRPG but I only ever see it get to 50% off, which is very unfortunate. Of course some of the more obscure titles i'm hoping for a big sale on are Forsaken Isle and Grand Chase Melee 2. The one is like an indie survival game, and the other seems like a great game to play with my friends!

Oddly enough, i'm even hoping Watch Dogs goes on a big enough sale just to see if all the bashing that people did of the game was warranted, haha!
I am definitely looking forward to picking up The Witcher 3 if it goes on sale, but I'm pretty sure it will! I'd be pretty psyched if they put some sort of discount for the Civ VI pre-order. I think they did something like that for Beyond Earth, and they ended up giving me a free copy of XCOM, which I already had, and Civ IV because it was right after I had paid full price for BE. I'm most excited to just buy things that have good reviews so I can get them cheap, even if it takes me awhile to get to playing them.
I will definitely pick up a copy of the Witcher 3 myself, as well as Batman Arkham City if it goes on sale as well, and frankly any of the other Batman games. It's about time I played them. I will also probably pick up Rocket League which I haven't found myself able to buy yet because I'm not sure it's worth it. It looks like fun, sure, but at the same time it looks like something that would consume its value in a few hours, so if it goes on a good sale I'll be more inclined to buy it. Also add to the list a few Indie games. I will probably empty my wallet this summer sale haha (as I always do :) )
Top on my list is Stardew Valley and Invisible Inc. Usually it's the indie games that get ridiculous discounts, so I'm hoping to pick it up at 70% off! Otherwise I'd be okay with waiting for Winter Sale since I still have quite the backlog to clear :p

Maybe if Metal Gear Solid V gets a decent discount I'd grab that as well. It's been more than a year since release after all.
I have quite a few games I'd like to pick up, but... I'm just not excited about the Steam sale. I'm sure there will be awesome games, and if by some chance any of the recent games (such as DOOM) go on sale I might just buy them, but there are so many sales throughout the year (on steam and other places) that the "big steam sale" just doesn't pack the same punch.

Though, to be fair, if the Witcher 3, DOOM or Pillars of Eternity go on sale... *stares at wallet, worried*
I have an HP Stream 7 that I use as my main steam machine. I'm just hoping on finding games that will work on it. Probably anything that's older than 2010. So yes, I'm super excited!
Top on my list is Stardew Valley and Invisible Inc. Usually it's the indie games that get ridiculous discounts, so I'm hoping to pick it up at 70% off! Otherwise I'd be okay with waiting for Winter Sale since I still have quite the backlog to clear :p

Maybe if Metal Gear Solid V gets a decent discount I'd grab that as well. It's been more than a year since release after all.

Ohhh I completely forgot about Stardew Valley. That's one game I will not be missing this summer especially if it gets such a high discount. It has been hyped to space and beyond and received such an abnormal amount of positive reviews for both the game and its (one) developer. Also this might be the ideal time to pick up GTA V. I actually only played the pirated version (not proud of it, mind you), but I want to buy it anyway at a price I can afford.
Not gonna buy particularly many games, but perhaps I get some Payday 2 DLCs. They tend to be very cheap on these big sales, so why not.