Lots of VPN talk


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I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but there has been a lot of VPN talk of late, with AV providers going as far as bundling it into their service. Do you think people need to use VPN to access the internet?
I'd say it could be useful to some people depending on what they use their internet access for. I'm often testing/reviewing MMOs, and sometimes that means using a VPN to play a region locked one. And even putting work aside, there are games I myself want to play that aren't available globally yet, be it on my PC or mobile phone.

I also sometimes use it for Netflix, since different countries tend to have different programmes.
Yes, I seen a lot of VPN talks over the internet. Quite frankly, the only use that I have for a VPN is connecting to work's network.

Rest of the talk's I see is more gray area including piracy and bypassing geo restricted content.

Heck my mobile contract forbidden me from using a VPN.
VPN could offer more privacy and protection to people who use public internet and public wi-fi which wi-fi signal is not password protected, or using weaker WEP and WPA1 wi-fi password encryption.
VPN could offer more privacy and protection to people who use public internet and public wi-fi which wi-fi signal is not password protected, or using weaker WEP and WPA1 wi-fi password encryption.
While true, you do need to be careful on what VPN service you decide to use.
While true, you do need to be careful on what VPN service you decide to use.

I think paid VPNs maybe more safe than some free VPNs who may sell users browsing data or e-mail addresses to advertisers/sponsors to make money. Free VPN may also not have enough money to properly maintain it.

I heard it is possible to make your own VPN and proxy server which maybe the best option if you know what you are doing.
Well I noticed that Norton now only sells their software with it included and I'm starting to get the old folks in completely clueless about it and baffled.

People who can't grasp wifi concept are now trying to be talked about VPN? It's as bad as Nintendo adding a U to the Wii name.
Well I noticed that Norton now only sells their software with it included and I'm starting to get the old folks in completely clueless about it and baffled.

People who can't grasp wifi concept are now trying to be talked about VPN? It's as bad as Nintendo adding a U to the Wii name.

I imagine talking about VPN with less tech savvy users can be difficult. But, at least, the users would be more protected from spying from their ISP, and other users.
most old people only use facebook and maybe some youtube.

A VPN with a connection which is located in another country can be useful for watching online videos which are blocked in countries like Canada because of copyright owners who decide to not allow non-US countries from watching the online video.

I think some old people don't want their ISP, children and wife/husband to easily find out what videos they watch by looking through router logs or using networking spyware, so a VPN can be useful for protecting internet users who care about protecting their privacy from people and companies who don't respect people's privacy, and install internet monitoring software on a router or a desktop PC.