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Do we have any Lucifans here? The new season was released recently on Netflix which I'm watching right now. And after tonight, I will be waiting patiently for the next half of this season to be released.
Didn't watched that is it good?
I had postponed watching the series for awhile but then jumped into it. I liked it!
I was wondering what you all thought of the series finale? I didn't care for the ending. It felt rushed to me.
Won't say too much more without a spoiler tag for those who didn't complete it yet
What did you think of it? What would you change if you could? I feel they treated Lucifer as a spoiled child, a brat. He could have been a bit more mature for his (very old) age!
I've never watched it but my sister-in-law highly recommends it. There are just so many shows I have to catch up on - not enough hours in the day!
I tried watching the TV series a couple of times but I lost interest. There are too many tricks in the movie.
My friends still think the movie was against Christians, but their mindset changed after watching it as it showed a lot about who Lucifer is.