Major Windows 10 Flaw


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I was on another forum which had this image:


long story short and the hidden clause of the free windows 10 upgrade, should you change your PC in any way you will have to rebuy W10 at full price.

Shit storm ahead MS.
I bet, people who upgraded to Windows 10 for free will just downgrade back to Windows 8.1, or 7 from their old license key of 8.1, and 7 to use an older version of Windows without the need to pay to use 10 because they changed/upgraded their PC.
Demon_Skeith said:
I highly doubt the downgrade will run well.
I agree, it probably won't go well, but you have 30 days to downgrade back to Windows 7 or 8.1 if you don't like Windows 10. If you made a hard drive image/clone with Clonezilla, Norton Ghost, Paragon, etc, you can just restore Windows 7-8.1 operating system with your image files.