Man in Toilet Tweets for Toilet Paper Delivery Help


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Next time I'm going to ask for a pizza delivered to my stall.
Japan's taken quite well to the concept of Twitter. In fact, a man found himself in the bathroom of Yodobashi Camera, a large electronics department store in Japan, without any toilet paper.

Rather than panic or try to make something into toilet paper that certainly wasn't, he tweeted, "[Urgently needed] toilet paper in the 3rd floor toilet of Akiba Yodobashi."

He repeated the desperate tweet five minutes later, but then just less than 20 minutes later, someone had come to his rescue.

"The toilet paper arrived safely! Thank you very much!" he tweeted after his ordeal.

(Translation from Boing Boing.)

Tom's Guide

Weird, he could of just yelled for someone to hand him a roll in the next stall or ask people who are washing their hands to hand him some Toilet paper.

He probably could of used a Cellphone to call a friend, family member, or a store he was in to get him toilet paer.

I would probably walk over to the next stall when no one is in the wash room for toilet paper from the other stalls.

This is why you should carry a few little packets of tissue paper, or napkins from a coffee shop or fast food place in your bag or pocket.
I believe some people will even unfollow him on Twitter since tweeting about your bathroom habit is gross. Imagine if you are eating food, and read on someone twitter that "they need Toilet paper to wipe themselve."
tweeting at it's worse.
I'm sure if he yelled people from outside the bathroom someone would come help him. I agree texting is a better and more private option.