Whatever you do Never run: rm -rf /
I wouldn't mind going VPS either, but its kind of hard to get going.
There are Managed VPS plans where the web host help you manage your server like how shared web hosts manages your server for you. But, Managed VPS usually cost more than regular VPS plans because you also need to pay the web host for managing your VPS.
I've taken enough CMD/Bash/SSH in college that I could manage one by myself without the extra cost.
and of course this is the internet, I doubt there isn't a VPS issue that can't be looked up.
So you currently host your forum on a VPS?I have a VPS also.
Some things I've learned...
1- Know your details.
Take the time to learn what your various versions are because this will matter a lot in getting help. Centos and Ubuntu, while both linux, behave slightly differently and the commands used on one don't necessarily work on the other.
2- Get used to SSH
You will be using this a lot.
I'd recommend bookmarking this site if you don't already have it. (Having a list of commands makes things a lot easier.)
3- Proper capitalization and spelling are key.
iptables -i and iptables -I are not the same thing. Loads of commands are case sensitive and using the wrong one can cause tons of frustration. Similarly make sure everything is spelled properly because it can also make the difference between things breaking down or working.
4- Brush up your googling skills.
Because you're going to need them. But you'll need to know what to look for (which keywords to use). Which is also why I recommended knowing your details... Since getting help on Centos 6.4 might be slightly different than getting help on 6.7.
I made the mistake of rushing when I got mine. (I was in kinda a tough spot, my host was closing down and I didn't want to be billed for another 6 months when I wouldn't get most of it. But I didn't want to cancel and have them delete my site right then.) I installed zPanel for managing things with an interface. But I had a few problems with it...
- AWstats wouldn't work. (Apparently they renamed a module and forgot to update the line calling it in the panel.)
- PHPmail wouldn't work. (Never did figure this one out. I tried getting help from: zPanel, my host via ticket, my host via IRC, owner of a large hosting service, admin of a directory... who was the closest to solving the issue I think.)
I should have slowed down and researched panel options. (I'd likely have gone with either Sentora or Vesta.)
Yes, that's right. Since posting that though I have made some changes. I no longer use zPanel for one. (I ran into an issue where emails weren't sending, had to take backups, reformat and start from scratch.)
Also, another thing I'd suggest (might be good practice for any admin really...) is to create a folder or something on your computer and save every guide/solution to problems you encounter. (Not just links to them, but actual copies too. Like a .pdf version or downloaded webpage.) This way in case you ever run into the same issue, you can look through your guide and take the same steps again to solve it.
Plus in case you ever run into an issue and need to retrace your steps you can have a list of exactly what you've done. When I was trying to figure out why PHPmail wasn't working I had to refer to those guides to see exactly what I'd done... but some of those sites actually got deleted/taken down (sometime after I initially used them) so the instructions weren't available anymore. Thankfully I had saved guides so I could say exactly what I'd done.
Thanks for the advice, but chances are I'm gonna move it back to a shared account or just pay someone to manage it for me. Programming and stuff like that are just not my thing. I could never get into it in school and that's why I chose to study literature and art after high-school. I did try to look through the tutorials and articles you linked, but I find them incredibly boring to the point where studying them for a few hours becomes really annoying. I'm gonna stick to what I'm good at, and leave server management to those who know how to do it.Yes, that's right. Since posting that though I have made some changes. I no longer use zPanel for one. (I ran into an issue where emails weren't sending, had to take backups, reformat and start from scratch.)
Also, another thing I'd suggest (might be good practice for any admin really...) is to create a folder or something on your computer and save every guide/solution to problems you encounter. (Not just links to them, but actual copies too. Like a .pdf version or downloaded webpage.) This way in case you ever run into the same issue, you can look through your guide and take the same steps again to solve it.
Plus in case you ever run into an issue and need to retrace your steps you can have a list of exactly what you've done. When I was trying to figure out why PHPmail wasn't working I had to refer to those guides to see exactly what I'd done... but some of those sites actually got deleted/taken down (sometime after I initially used them) so the instructions weren't available anymore. Thankfully I had saved guides so I could say exactly what I'd done.
Thanks for the advice, but chances are I'm gonna move it back to a shared account or just pay someone to manage it for me. Programming and stuff like that are just not my thing. I could never get into it in school and that's why I chose to study literature and art after high-school. I did try to look through the tutorials and articles you linked, but I find them incredibly boring to the point where studying them for a few hours becomes really annoying. I'm gonna stick to what I'm good at, and leave server management to those who know how to do it.![]()