Marburg virus outbreak


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Health officials worldwide are sprinting to test whether experimental vaccines can protect against a deadly illness, after Equatorial Guinea confirmed its first outbreak of Marburg virus disease on 13 February. The virus is related to Ebola, and causes similar symptoms of haemorrhagic fever. It has a fatality rate of up to 88%.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, convened an urgent meeting yesterday to discuss the feasibility of testing Marburg vaccines that are in various stages of development. But the odds are against a successful trial, they say, because other control measures such as quarantine could end the outbreak before a single vaccine dose can be administered.

“I cannot emphasize enough the need for speed,” said John Edmunds, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, at the WHO meeting.

The outbreak is in the north of Equatorial Guinea, in the Kié-Ntem province, which borders Cameroon and Gabon. It has been linked to 9 deaths among 25 suspected cases, with the first known case dating to early January. This makes it larger than many of the 16 Marburg outbreaks that have previously been detected, Edmunds tells Nature. “Outbreaks have tended to be small and finish relatively quickly after effective interventions have been put in place.”
Experimental vaccines can cause a lot of problems for people later on after receiving them. I suffered from anaphylaxis after receiving the covid vaccine and I'm highly allergic to PEG now and am forced to carry an epi pen with me.

I hate it that these diseases are killing people, but rushing in with vaccines doesn't always save lives. Sometimes it's the cause of death...or problems for the rest of the person's life.
Experimental vaccines can cause a lot of problems for people later on after receiving them. I suffered from anaphylaxis after receiving the covid vaccine and I'm highly allergic to PEG now and am forced to carry an epi pen with me.

I hate it that these diseases are killing people, but rushing in with vaccines doesn't always save lives. Sometimes it's the cause of death...or problems for the rest of the person's life.

But no one is forcing you to take the vaccine though.
Hopefully, the experimental vaccines for Marburg virus protects people from the virus, and does not have serious health side effects.