Mario Party 9


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Our long Mario Party drought is over! The last game in Nintendo's Mario Party series, Mario Party 8, was released in 2007. And the latest entry, Mario Party 9 was revealed today at the E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles.

The Wii game currently doesn't have a release date, and it's unclear whether Nintendo's Nd Cube, which developed Wii Party, will be crafting the game or not.


does any of these games have online play?
I love the minigames in Mario Party, and it's awesome to see another sequel for it. It's a pity it doesn't have a release date, otherwise us fans would have something to hope for!
Ah, good old times of Mario Party. I wonder what kind of improvements they can make, since it's only their second Mario Party for Wii. I'm actually quite looking forward to this, cause it's so awesome to play even with the family...
I liked Mario Party 8, but there are many other games I would get on the Wii U before I got mario party, it's not an amazing game.
Excited!! :cheer: It's been quite a long, long wait. Actually, I've forgotten all about it. Now that it's here, I'm hyped!