'Mario & Sonic Olympics' To Feature Miis


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Nintendo fans are excited about Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games because it has all the majesty and pageantry of the ancient games and cute videogame mascots.

Nintendo announced today that Miis will be able to compete in events, meaning that everyone on the entire planet earth (and maybe aliens) should be excited about this title. Finally, my virtual alter ego will be able to beat that damn Sonic in a footrace. My problems with Sonic date back many years to what I refer to as "The Ring Gathering Incident."

Seriously, though, it's good to see the criminally under-utilized Miis get another game to hang out in. Mine have spent months corralled in the plaza, wandering around, sleeping and staring balefully out of the screen. It's sad.

The game will also feature Dream Events, which "are based in colorful game-like universes that include objects and power-ups that will either improve a players game, or bring their opponent down. "

# Dream Race (Sandhill Race Course) – Get on your marks for this intense power-up filled race course, made for either one player, or as many as four.
# Dream Platform (Tropical Reef Diving Area – 10,000M Diving) – More like skydiving, soar through hoops and perform aerial tricks while avoiding obstacles and opponents to reach the finish line first.
# Dream Fencing (Duel Wharf Fencing Beach) – With unique special attacks for each character, this jungle-inspired world offers the ultimate duel.
# Dream Table Tennis (Speed Rally Table Tennis Stadium) – A sci-fi wonderland, this magical table tennis extravaganza offers a special ability for each character – so move fast!
I can see why Nintendo put Mario and Sonic into the game - they're the ones that started gaming. I assume the Miis are the latest edition to the team.