Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Surpasses Google Founders in Wealth


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Mark Zuckerbergh is now listed at rank #14 with an estimated wealth of $17.5 billion.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page follow right behind him with $16.7 billion each. Other insanely rich tech executives include Amazon's Jeff Bezos (#13, $19.1 billion), Michael Dell (#18, $15 billion), Steve Ballmer (#19, $13.9 billion), Paul Allen (#23, $13.2 billion) and Steve Jobs (#39, $7 billion).,news-12620.html

Good for Mark. It is amazing since Mark is still in his Twenties.
damn, what I give to have that $$$$

but I find it hard to believe he surpass google, they have their fingers into everything.
Mark Zuckerburg does not have to share his profits with Sean Parker which was one of the co-founders/president of Facebook, but left Facebook because he had drugs in his house :

I think Mark probably won't be as rich his Sean was still president unless Sean had even better ideas then Mark, and made Facebook even bigger then it is today.