Marvel's New DnD like Table Top RPG


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read about iy. sort of like DnD but with different rules. Read from CBR:


Action checks in what Marvel is officially calling the "d616" system operate differently than they would in comparable RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. In the context of the Marvel Multiverse RPG, the difficulty of an action is determined by the Narrator, the game's version of a gamemaster. That difficulty is represented by the Target Number, which players roll to beat. While all of that ought to be somewhat familiar to anyone with experience running an RPG, Target Numbers have some unique facets.

A Target Number is calculated based on rank -- the book includes a hefty table of ranks and their corresponding Target Number -- plus a modifier determined based on the relative difficulty of the task. Difficulty is separated into a group of adjectives: Trivial, which is a -7 modifier, Easy (-4), Routine (-2), Challenging, which imposes no modifier, Difficult (+2), Ridiculous (+4) and Impossible (+7).

Once the Target Number is determined based on a combination of rank and difficulty, players roll three six-sided dice, one of which is a special "Marvel die," and attempt to beat the Target Number. As in many RPGs, players have ability modifiers that make things slightly easier for their superheroes, although those modifiers operate a bit differently than in other games. Instead of raising a player's roll, modifiers decrease the Target Number. For instance, if a Target Number is 25 and a player character's corresponding modifier is 8, the player would only need to roll a 17.

If all those numbers make a player's head spin, the playtest rulebook encourages them to use a calculator -- and they might need it, considering there are still some more aspects to the d616 conflict resolution system. One of the most important elements of the system is the "Marvel die," a standard six-sided die with a Marvel logo instead of a one, or simply a different color from the other two if the player doesn't wish to buy the specialty die. If a player rolls the Marvel logo, they may use it as a six rather than a one in nearly every situation. That's a pretty big statistical advantage, but it comes with a catch: if the other two dice are also ones, the Marvel logo counts as a one as well, causing an instant failure in all situations.

There's also Edge, a mechanic in the Marvel Multiverse RPG that allows players to twist situations in their favor. Edge works similarly to advantage in Dungeons & Dragons, allowing players to reroll one of their three dice and take the greater of the two rolls, provided they roll under optimal circumstances. On the flip side, Trouble operates similarly to D&D's disadvantage, allowing the Narrator to choose a die for the player to reroll and forcing them to use the worse outcome, provided the situation is fittingly troublesome.
