McDonald's is installing Samsung tablets in all their UK outlets


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McDonald's is planning to install Samsung Galaxy tablets in the majority of its UK restaurants.

Customers will be able to play games, browse social media and use the web. McDonald's is rolling out the tablets widely after trials at over 250 restaurants proved a hit with customers.

“We have installed tablets in over 250 of our restaurants since they were first introduced in June 2014. They are a popular addition to our newly refurbished stores and have been enjoyed by millions of customers since their introduction,” a McDonald's spokesperson told Mashable.

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I wonder what type of games, apps, and files will be pre-installed on McDonald's tablets, and if users can install their own games, apps, and files on to the tablets.

It would be nice if users can use the McDonald's tablet to play a movie or TV show from a MicroSD Card or USB drive which is plugged into the tablet because sometimes sites like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and YouTube don't have certain videos, or music files, and the internet connection at McDonald's can be slow if they are sharing the internet with a lot of costumer's personal devices like laptop, phones, tablets, workers, and Mcdonald's own tablets.
Wouldn't they get the tablets' screens all dirty if everyone used them while eating greasy fast food?

I think the cleaning staff who wipe the table will also be responsible for wiping grease off the screen on a regular basis after a costumer leaves the table. McDonald's also have napkins which costumers can use to wipe the screen themselves.

A lot of customers may also wipe the screen themselves when they are done using the tablets because they don't want to be embarrassed that they left grease on a tablet.

In countries like Japan, and Singapore people live a stricter lifestyle where being clean, organized, and well-behaved is an important part of their culture. I think people who live in the UK may also like keeping things clean, and organize, so many costumers may wipe grease off the tablets to avoid being called out for not cleaning up their own grease which they left on a tablet.
Yeah, I've seen the table cleaners and I've seen what kids do. I wouldn't touch them specially if I'm about to eat my food.
Yeah, I've seen the table cleaners and I've seen what kids do. I wouldn't touch them specially if I'm about to eat my food.

You can use a Stylus, or gloves which work with touchscreen devices like tablets, and smartphones. Using those anti-bacterial/germ wipes on the tablet should remove most germs before using the tablets.
Most people nowadays have smartphones, so why would they use a public tablet when they can just use their phones?

It is more comfortable to view a website on a bigger screen on a 8 inch or bigger sized tablet. Some tablets like the Samsung Galaxy TabPro are more powerful than smartphones.

Many people who buy food from McDonald's are poor and eat at McDonald's because their food is more affordable than other restaurants. A large percentage of McDonald's costumers may not own a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC, and don't subscribe to home internet because of not having enough money.

People who don't own a smartphone or tablet may more likely go to McDonald's to use mobile apps and games on McDonald's tablets sort of like how some poor people go to the library to use the internet, and a computer because they don't own a PC or subscribe to internet at home.

There are also still a lot of slower smartphones which are mostly good for making calls, text, and basic tasks. But, these cheaper smartphones are too slow for gaming, more intensive web browsing, and using bigger apps.
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Personally, I wouldn't feel safe to log into an app on a public tablet. Imagine using a public tablet to check your Facebook and then forgetting to log out before leaving the restaurant.

I agree I won't use public tablets to login to Facebook. But, a lot of people's use computers at school, work, and the Library login to Facebook from a computer which they don't own.
Never login into important places via a public device or internet, you are asking for trouble otherwise.

I agree, it can be risky logging into websites with public devices since criminals can install viruses on them which steal your username and password.

I think most of these tablets will mostly be used for watching cartoons, and playing games where you don't need to login to use an app, or play a game.
Well, to be fair, people are not supposed to be talking and eating at the same time...

I agree, it is not very good to eat and talk at the same time because food can drop out of your mouth, or you accidentally choke on food.

People can always view online videos together on a Tablet at McDonald's, or play a trivia or board game on a tablet while they wait for food and eat sort of like how most people eat in front of the TV with friends.

I wonder if these McDonald's Tablet will work with gamepad controllers for playing multi-player console games which got remade for Mobile operating systems like Android and Windows 10.

I remember in the past, McDonald's had Nintendo Gamecube consoles for people to play games in the play area of McDonald's.
Were iPads too expensive for McDonalds? I wonder if Burger King will follow the trend and add iPads because they're 'royalty' and can afford more expensive tablets...

Maybe McDonald's plan on using Android because it's privacy is less restrictive compared to iPad which has privacy/security features like TouchID to unlock some iPads. Apple is also more strict in allowing apps which track users from installing apps. But, Google is less strict when it comes to app permissions, and privacy.

McDonald's may also make a custom version of Android to best suite their needs. But, Apple iOS does not let users and other companies to make custom versions of iOS.