Translated by Gematsu:
The magazine also features artwork from Media.Vision’s new titles, including a woman with a ponytail, a Tachikawa-esque urban area going up in flames, and shrines going up in flames.Takashi Fukushima, Media.Vision President
Harumi Umezawa, Media.Vision Production
- “I still fondly remember the applause and congratulations from Sony Computer Entertainment executives when Crime Crackers made it in time for the launch of [the original] PlayStation.”
- “We’re currently working on five titles, for console as well as mobile, including both original and external intellectual property.”
- “We also have stuff with a more realistic style rather than anime style.”
Kentaro Motomura, Media.Vision General Manager
- “I think we’ll be able to unveil the title that’s furthest along in about a year at the earliest, but that’s up to the publisher.”
- “We’re mainly looking to recruit staff with high-end game development experience. That includes people with Unreal Engine experience, lightning and Look Dev experience, and rigging artists.”
- “I’m working on an original title with creators I know well from my previous job [at Sony Interactive Entertainment].”
- “It feels like the Japanese games market is losing its vigor. Some companies have no choice but to put their efforts into the overseas market because of this.”
- “We want to vitalize the Japanese game market first and foremost. And as a result, create titles that are widely adopted overseas.”