Meet Pikabellechu


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The above picture is quite possibly everything that is wrong in the world condensed into one horrific, shameless sea of yellow. Dear readers, I bring you Pikabellechu -- a 32-year-old Pikachu obsessive who has secured her membership in the Guinness World Records. Now try and even SEE her in that image, camouflaged as she is by her own absurdity.

The self-confessed "Pikaholic" owns over 8,000 Pikachu-themed items, has a yellow car named the Pikabug and has a copyrighted line of Disney princes/Pokémon mash up costumes known as PokéWomon Princess Creations. F*cking Hell!

"I attend many anime conventions, car shows and do lots of events for children," explains Pikabellechu. "Official Pokémon Events, Birthday parties, School events and so on mostly as the Pokémon Character Ash cause I can do his voice dead on ... I am also a cartoonist and paint many murals around my town and teach children art classes at a local craft store."

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I respect her bravery for showing off her Pikachu Collection.

Now I wonder if there is a guy with a Jiggly Puff collection. lol
If she's a big fan of Pikachu and dressed like one, than I would call her a big Pokefan.

In fact, I'm still a big fan of Pokemon today.
I am also a fan of Pokemon, I'm sure if I had the cash I probably buy a lot of Squirtle, Pikachu, and Charmander toys.