Megaman Christmas Carol


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Mega Man Christmas Carol replaces the robot masters with the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, plus that poor old bastard Marley.

Dr. Light co-stars as an insane Santa Claus running the conspiracy. Mega Man Christmas Carol features no levels, just the boss battles. One question - what power does he acquire for defeating Christmas Past? A Mega Regret-Buster?


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great game.
It's nice to see some classic MM bosses in there... Gah you accursed Search Snakes. But the game is more or less as difficult on normal as I remember Megaman 2-3 to be. Just... the Christmas music. Ugh. I had to turn the volume off to play it. At any rate, cool find.

(I wonder if they'll make something with Megaman X next since I was always a bit more partial to the X series than classic series.)