Megamari (PC) - 9/10

Star Bright

Right behind you.
For the longest time I wanted to be able to write an extensive review of this game, so I figure the Review bucket is the perfect place to write this.
(Yes, I know, this is the default text color. I'd rather not strain your eyes with my usual orange.)

Let me start with the basics: What is this game? Well, my two favorite video game series now are Mega Man and Touhou. So, naturally, I would love to see a crossover between the two series. Well, here it is.

The game focuses more on Mega Man-esque gameplay (in other words, gravity DOES apply, no one-hit kills [spikes are an exception], a unique boss at the end of every level, ex cetera, ex cetera), but has enough Touhou references and themes so it doesn't feel like just another, unoriginal clone. The biggest thing I feel worth mentioning, though, is that the game is HARD.


Yes, Sakuya is about to throw those at you.


The sad thing is, at that much health she'll keep spamming that attack until one of you is dead.

Experience in one or both of the series isn't required but is HIGHLY recommended. Let me put it this way:
"I've never played Touhou or Mega Man!" - Good luck with this game. Run away right now while you still have the chance.
"I've played Touhou, but not a Mega Man game!" - Pick one up before you start. Otherwise it's just gonna get awkward.
"I've played Mega Man, but not Touhou!" - This was the category I originally started in. You'll have a better time here if you've got some experience in this department.
"I've played Mega Man and Touhou!" - Cool beans. Why have you not played yet? I guarantee you this will be a fun challenge.

It's not so much that the game is a crossover to begin with, but it's also rather well made. There's references to a lot of Mega Man levels and weapons, for instance, the broom Marisa picks up after beating four bosses behaves EXACTLY like the Item-2 from Mega Man 2. There's even a new mechanic thrown in where you can play as two seperate characters, each with their own healthbar and weapon capabilities. The graphics and boss patterns, though, make it feel enough like a Touhou game in and of itself.

In terms of music, it's great, but bears no resemblence to either series, which makes me wonder how long the music would have taken if they made it from scratch. Listen to some of these:

The one obvious complaint I had with the game is that in some most areas of the game, the difficulty curve is too high. For example:
Not just the stage itself, but the boss, especially. Took me, no exaggerations, an HOUR to beat with a cheat engine loaded in the background.

Since the game is VERY hard to run through blindly, here's a list containing weakness orders and weapons, in case you're interested:

The image here is posted for reference. Cirno (top middle) > Eirin (bottom right) > Yuyuko (bottom left) > Reimu (top left) > Remilia (middle left) > Sakuya (top right) > Youmu (middle right) > Reisen (bottom middle) > Cirno
The best two starting points are Cirno or Sakuya.
Cirno's weapon is better given to Marisa, Eirin's weapon is better given to Alice, Yuyuko's weapon could be given to either (I prefer Alice), Reimu's weapon is better given to Marisa, Remilia's weapon could be given to either (I prefer Alice), Sakuya's weapon is better given to Marisa, Youmu's weapon is better given to Alice, and Reisen's weapon could be given to either (I prefer Marisa).
Since this is a Mega Man-esque game, there's obviously a central castle at the end of it all.
Patchouli Castle Boss 1: Yukari. Weakness: Eirin's weapon; Yuyuko's takes out Ran and Chen.
Patchouli Castle Boss 2: Suika. Weakness: Yuyuko's weapon. MAYBE Reimu's.
Patchouli Castle Boss 3: Copy Marisa. Weakness: Seems to be Reisen's weapon.
Patchouli Castle Boss 3.5: Shikieiki. Weakness: Youmu's weapon.
Patchouli Castle Boss 4: Some teacup thingy. Weakness: Reisen first form, Yuyuko second form.
Patchouli Castle Boss 5: The Infamous flying saucer. Weakness: Youmu's weapon, but I like using the Slightly Awesome Shanghai Doll here.
Patchouli Castle Boss 5.5: The frowny face toaster with horns. Weakness: Either Reimu's or Remilia's weapon.

All in all, I feel this game should deserve at least 9 cheese nugget Golden NintenDans for its valiant effort.

That's about it, so... See you around!