Merry, Christmas! (In my country)


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, dudes! Have a nice Christmas! I'm supposed to be asleep but oh, well..I'm feeling really disappointed because I stayed up all this time and I didn't see Santa, however, I did see the Easter Bunny (inside joke)
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Merry Christmas to you too (in your country)!

It's 7 P.M. over here, which is five hours from midnight, and midnight is about 7 or 8 hours before it'll be celebrated. I can't wait!
Merry Christmas to you too (in your country)!

It's 7 P.M. over here, which is five hours from midnight, and midnight is about 7 or 8 hours before it'll be celebrated. I can't wait!
Awesome, have a good one and Merry Christmas!
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Currently it's 1:15 am on December 25. Being British is awesome. Of course if you're in Australia... you've probably opened your presents/gifts already. It's probably almost mid-day if not afternoon there.
Woo it's 12:05. I should be in bed, but I'm going to bed at 12:20ish.
Then I'll come back on to say merry Christmas again.
Two and a third hours left for me. But hey, we're doing our annual tradition of one present on Christmas eve now, so I'm fine with that.