Metaverse - will you be participating?


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I keep seeing virtual realty topics. It's making me wonder if I should invest in a VR headset. Are you considering it or have you gotten one yourself?
I may give the Metaverse a try if I ever get a VR headset. It looks kind of fun to interact with people from around the world.
I don't really plan on it until it becomes an integral part of our system. I like the concept, it reminds me a lot of the book Ready Player One, but I'm not really into VR. I've tried it a few times and it makes me a bit nauseous.
When I'm on my own maybe but right now it just sounds kinda sus. Facebook services were never my favorite to begin with but only if I could find myself making more of a living on it, which I doubt, so I'll leave it to the rich or easily amused.
+1 on what Dark Young Link mentioned. I don't plan to use it unless it because a main part of life. Would be cool to see what it is like though
I read news articles the metaverse having problems with user harrassing other users. I will wait longer to use the metaverses if there are not enough moderators to prevent most trolls from bullying other users, and making the metaverse an unenjoyable experience.