Metroid Prime Federation Force


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Fans wanted a new Metriod game and they got it, in a weird way. It is due out in 2016 for the Nintendo 3DS.
Ok, I get it, the 3DS prints money. And I can even understand them putting this game on there because of it. But the 3DS isn't the one needing sales. The Wii U is the one that needs a Metroid game. And the Wii U is the system their fans wanted it on.

Do they even KNOW their own customers??
I don't have any problem with them putting this on the 3DS over the Wii U. They show signs of Wii U abandonment anyway. I DO however gripe with having this game carry the Metroid name. You tell me, what part of that even looked remotely like the Metroid we've come to know and love? None of it.
You know, they have a petition to cancel this game going on RIGHT NOW. I kid you not.

When in history has there EVER been a petition to GET RID of a game rather than make one.

It shows just how out of focus Nintendo has become with their customers.
I'm going to try to give them benefit of the doubt on this. As hard as that is to do right now. Remember, it's not like the full game is out. Maybe the game has some Metroid instances in it. I understand why people feel it's just a game with Metroid's name slapped on it. But for once, I'll be the one that says give it a chance.
blastguardgear said:
You know, they have a petition to cancel this game going on RIGHT NOW. I kid you not.

When in history has there EVER been a petition to GET RID of a game rather than make one.

It shows just how out of focus Nintendo has become with their customers.
it's just people being extremely angry, the petition won't do much.
Give them a chance? Heck no. Nintendo has taken two franchises (Metroid and Animal Crossing) that were beloved and totally dirted all over them both. I can't even tell which is more depressing.

And yeah, like the above guy said, hate or not, this petition they have going on won't stop Nintendo from making the game.

Better speak with your wallets if you don't want it people.
tarverten said:
I don't have any problem with them putting this on the 3DS over the Wii U. They show signs of Wii U abandonment anyway. I DO however gripe with having this game carry the Metroid name. You tell me, what part of that even looked remotely like the Metroid we've come to know and love? None of it.
I have to agree with the Metroid name attached to this. It is really perplexing. The game doesn't look like Metroid and one of the reasons we don't get Metroid games is because they don't sell, so I really don't see what Nintendo gains from attaching the Metroid brand to this. It is truly bizarre and I think does more harm than good.
Huh.  Really not sure how to think about this.  I love multiplayer games, and I love metroid, but I'm just not sure how I think this game looks.  Kinda, for kids?  I dunno, I know that's their target audience and all, but, I always saw metroid as something targeted towards older players.