Michael Jackson's death sparks a bus brawl


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A fight broke out on a Florida bus when news of Michael Jackson's death sparked debate over whether he should be remembered as a great musical talent, and one passenger was charged with assault, police said on Friday.

The bus was moving through the city of North Lauderdale on Thursday when passenger James Kiernan received a text message about Jackson's death on his cell phone, and he read it aloud on the bus, the Broward County Sheriff's Department said.

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Not sure what the bus passenger was thinking, but he sure created one big brawl that nobody wanted.
QUOTE It said the last remark enraged another passenger, Henry Wideman, who started a swearing match with Kiernan, then pulled out a knife and chased Kiernan down the aisle with it.

Not sure why another guy on the bus had to pull out a knife. He could of just disagreed, and kept his opinions to himself.

I think the Keirman, the bus driver, and Henry were too opinionated.
QUOTE Wow. Bus driver should've just kept his mouth shut. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Yeah very true, just keep all your comments to yourself, even if it does piss you off really bad. You have your own opinion on everything and thats what going to matter, not somebody elses dumb remarks to try stir the attention. It just like youtube fights...pointless.
well I can see what the bus driver was thinking, but during these times your asking for death if you speak bad about MJ.
QUOTE (dynastygal @ July 01, 2009 04:21 pm) Wow. Bus driver should've just kept his mouth shut. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Yeah, folks just need to be mindful in what they say and do. It wasn't a good way for him to excercise free speech, though.