Microsoft’s Bans Offensive Language On Xbox Live, Skype


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t seems that the next time you use Microsoft’s Xbox Live or Skype services, you’ll want to make sure you check what you say because in an updated policy (via MobileSyrup), it looks like Microsoft wants to cut down on users using offensive language where if a user is caught doing that, they might be suspended or banned from using either service.

Microsoft’s Bans Offensive Language On Xbox Live, Skype | Ubergizmo

I feel it is a better idea to ban cyberbullies for cyberbullying when the victim provides evidence.

Hopefully, the bans won't be automatic since it is difficult for a computer to judge which language is offensive or not.

It would also be uncomfortable knowing that a Microsoft employee maybe reading user's private chats, listening to voice calls, and watching users video calls to ban them if they see people using offensive language.
and how will they catch them exactly?
and how will they catch them exactly?

I think, MS can read people offensive chats, watch recorded or live video, and listen to recorded voice calls which members recorded, and reported on Skype's reporting feature.

MS also can hire a lot of voice chat moderators in Xbox Live voice chat rooms for online games.
What exactly is the point of this, except that we start to get afraid of using Xbox Live and Skype since it clearly hints on the fact they actively spy on chat messages?
I think, MS can read people offensive chats, watch recorded or live video, and listen to recorded voice calls which members recorded, and reported on Skype's reporting feature.

MS also can hire a lot of voice chat moderators in Xbox Live voice chat rooms for online games.

It still be hard to find them, unless the use of words make them stand out as they view records.
So now Microsoft thinks YouTube is something to be inspired by in all the wrong ways. Congrats guys, good job killing whatever was left of Skype.
It still be hard to find them, unless the use of words make them stand out as they view records.

There are probably enough members on Skype and Xbox Live who are willing to volunteer for free by reporting trolls who are using offensive language on Skype and Xbox Live because members feel that reporting trolls who use offensive language would make the community better. If the member has the member's username, time and date of the offensive language, Microsoft maybe able to find evidence of the offensive language because Microsoft may record chat data, and keep the data for many months to years.

Sometimes offensive language user spam the chatroom or voice chat with a lot of offensive language for many minutes where using voice chat and text chat is not possible for other users because the user who uses offensive language is spamming the chatroom. Spam in chatrooms usually stand out from regular chat conversation.

Members seeking revenge with their enemy on Xbox Live and Skype may decide to secretly record voice calls, video chats, and text chats with offensive language which their enemy said, and the member who is seeking revenge will turn over their enemy offensive language evidence to Microsoft, and hope Microsoft ban their enemy from using Skype and Xbox Live.
Wow....this is news to me....well, I never had any problem with offensive I don't use it much.