Microsoft fired 7,800 workers mostly from Windows Phone devision; Failed Nokia buy a $7.6bn write-of


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Microsoft will slash 7,800 jobs, the majority from its struggling phone division, and write-off $7.6bn over its Nokia acquisition, the company has confirmed today. The sweeping cuts cast a shadow over the future of Windows for smartphones, or at least Microsoft's role in building them, with the CEO Satya Nadella saying that for the moment the company plans a "focused phone portfolio" at least in the near-term. Where that leaves the rumored flagship Windows 10 smartphone many fans of the platform had been hoping for remains to be seen.
Microsoft says it expects to incur charges in the region of $750m-$850m around the restructuring. The impact of the cuts and the costs should mainly be felt by the end of the 2015 calendar year, it's predicted, and be fully complete by the end of the fiscal year in 2016.
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Hopefully, the workers who lost their jobs can find a new job soon.
I wonder, if the rumors of Microsoft making an Android based phone is Microsoft's mobile future.
I bet, sooner or latter, Microsoft will mostly release apps and games for Google Android, iOS, and the Amazon App Store, and keep Windows Phone alive in hopes that Windows Phone will get more users when Apple iOS, and Google Android become worse which makes more people switch to Windows Phone.
that always sucks, I hope they can find another job.
It's like Microsoft simply doesn't know how to handle the smartphone market... They take so many bad decisions and simply don't listen to what their customers ask from their smartphones...

It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. Come on! There are a few popular apps that mostly everyone uses on Android and iOS. How difficult is it for a billion dollars company to pay the companies that created those apps to make them available for Windows Phone?

"No, forget Snapchat and Instagram, we're giving our customers a voice assistant that can sing!"

alakazam said:
How difficult is it for a billion dollars company to pay the companies that created those apps to make them available for Windows Phone?

"No, forget Snapchat and Instagram, we're giving our customers a voice assistant that can sing!"


I think Microsoft should buy popular independent app companies like how Facebook bought WhatsApp, Instagram, and other App companies, so more of the popular apps are available for Windows Phone.

There is a chance that Facebook/Instagram won't accept millions of dollars from Microsoft because Facebook makes many Billions of dollars of year from their websites and apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, and ads, so they don't want their workers to be distracted by working on less profitable mobile Operating Systems with fewer users like BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and Firefox OS.

I bet, Facebook Google Android, and Apple iOS Apps like Facebook, Messenger, Instagram,etc make billions of dollars  from ads for Facebook, so Facebook maybe less motivated to accept money from Microsoft to make a Windows Phone App since FB already make a lot of money from ads on their sites, and apps.
froggyboy604 said:
I think Microsoft should buy popular independent app companies like how Facebook bought WhatsApp, Instagram, and other App companies, so more of the popular apps are available for Windows Phone.
I don't think they necessarily have to buy the app companies in order to have the apps available on their operation system. I mean, Apple doesn't buy any app companies, but they have all the necessary apps out there, including the most popular ones...
alakazam said:
I don't think they necessarily have to buy the app companies in order to have the apps available on their operation system. I mean, Apple doesn't buy any app companies, but they have all the necessary apps out there, including the most popular ones...
Apple did recently bought Beats Music when they bought Beats Headphone company, and turned it into Apple Music. Apple also bought Snappycam, Metaio, Burstly, Embark, etc. I think they have most of the popular apps because more Apple iOS users are more willing to pay a few dollars for a paid app, in-app purchases like virtual coins, or click on an Ad compared to Android, and Windows Phone users who don't spend as much money on apps, in-app purchases, or click on ads. A lot of people with Android and other phone operating systems mainly use their smartphone as a regular phone, and rarely use apps. Apple also have the second most users behind Android.

I'm not sure it is legal for third-party App developers to accept money from Microsoft to make apps for Windows Phone since it sounds shady, and unfair to smaller apps stores like the Amazon App store which may disagree with MS paying money to have apps made for them by third party app makers.

I saw News stories on TV that says it is illegal for radio stations to accept money, and gifts from singers in exchange for playing their songs more often on the Radio because it is not fair to the other singers who deserve to have their songs played more often. In the US, it is also illegal to not disclose that a blog post, online review is sponsored, or actually an advertisement.

I think the government could sue Microsoft, Google, and Apple if they directly pay money to third-party app makers to make apps for Windows Phone since it could unfairly harm competing App stores like Firefox OS and Blackberry World by paying money for apps to be made.