For the last few years around this time, Microsoft has offered gamers their Xbox Year in Review. The feature would calculate how many hours you've played over the past year, how many achievements that you've earned, tell you fun tidbits about your gameplay, and more. Unfortunately, it's not happening this year.
No reason was provided for why there won't be an Xbox Year in Review this year, but it's not like this will make or break anyone's Xbox experience. It was just a fun way of looking back at your own personal year of gaming.
If Xbox isn't your only thing, you can still check out your year in review on other platforms. Nintendo's is up, so you can go and see how many hours you've spent this year playing your Switch, which games you've played the most, and so on. It also tells you the first game that you ever played on the Switch. You can check that out here.
Source: Microsoft isn't doing an Xbox Year in Review this year